So much fun to have with the kids! The trick to making great pancake drawings is to get a squeeze bottle (such as a sauce bottle) so you can put the mix into in to control the flow etc.
Makes 6-8 medium pancakes
Squeeze Bottle for Pancake Drawing
Photo: Tim Elwin
- 1 cup Self Raising Flour
- 1 cup Full Cream Milk
- 1 large Egg
- 1 teaspoon BiCarb Soda (optional)
- 1 teaspoon Sugar
- The usual toppings like cream and maple syrup
Sift the Flour, BiCarb Soda and Sugar into a large bowl then add the milk and egg then whisk until smooth. Set aside for at least 15-20 minutes to allow the self raising flour and the BiCarb to activate and rise.
Pour the mixture into the squeegee bottle ready to use.
To make the pancakes get the kids (or yourself) to drawn directly into a pan on a medium heat using the squeeze bottle. Draw whatever you feel like, a face, a flower, a car, anything you want just ensure it's drawn quickly otherwise the first part will burn whilst the rest is still cooking. Once the drawing is complete, quickly circle around the drawing and fill it in with some more mixture.
Once you see bubbles popping it's ready to turn and see the masterpieces!
Top with your favourite pancake toppings.
Please post the masterpieces on social media and tag us with #urbanmunching
© Tim Elwin 2015
Funny Faced Pancakes by William Elwin
Photo: Tim Elwin